Many of us remember Pearl Harbor as a fateful day. An unexpected attack that awoke the “sleeping giant,” and claimed thousands of lives.
RADM Samuel Fuqua was a young Lieutenant Commander serving aboard the battleship USS Arizona at anchor in Pearl Harbor. Fuqua was awarded The Medal of Honor for his heroic efforts and selfless disregard of his own safety above and beyond his call of duty.

On that quiet Sunday morning, the sky erupted with bombs from Japanese forces. Within crucial minutes, Fuqua demonstrated outstanding heroism and bravery. He was initially knocked out by the explosion of a bomb that hit the quarterdeck and started a severe fire. As soon as he regained consciousness, Fuqua began to direct the fighting of the fire and the rescue of the wounded aboard.
More explosions came and more severe fires started on the ship.
In the citation of his award it states,
“Lt. Comdr. Fuqua continued to direct the fighting of the fires in order to check them while the wounded and burned could be taken from the ship, and supervised the rescue of these men in such an amazingly calm and cool manner and with such excellent judgment that it inspired everyone who saw him and undoubtedly resulted in the saving of many lives.”
Only once Fuqua realized the ship could not be saved and that he was the senior surviving officer aboard, he directed it to be abandoned. Fuqua remained on the quarterdeck, continuing to fight the fires and direct the rescue of his personnel. Once satisfied that all that could be saved, he then left his ship.
“The conduct of Lt. Comdr. Fuqua was not only in keeping with the highest traditions of the Naval Service but characterizes him as an outstanding leader of men,” reads his award’s citation.
We’re honored to tell Samuel Fuqua’s story after the release of our limited edition USS John F. Kennedy Commemorative Bottle, in partnership with The Navy League, Hampton Roads. We’re donating proceeds from sales to support the commissioning of the Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79).