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If not me, then who? That’s what it boils down to. I would do it to anyone in any situation, and I would hope someone would help me if I’m ever in trouble.

Marine Corps Scout Sniper, Sgt. Danny McDonald, distinguished himself through a heroic act that saved a 10-year-old boy from drowning. On May 4th, 2019, McDonald’s attention was drawn to screams from a crowd at Surf City Beach, NC witnessing a boy caught in a rip current over 100 yards out. Without hesitation, he dove into the water, reaching the boy who was not only battling the current but also having a seizure.

With the boy secured and his head above water, Sgt. McDonald battled the rip current back to shore. He provided critical aid alongside a Navy Corpsman until further help arrived.

For his valor, Sgt. McDonald received the Navy Marine Corps Medal, the highest non-combat heroism award. His selfless action, encapsulated by the ethos “If not me, then who?” underscores the exceptional courage and the spirit of service defining true heroism. We toast to you, Danny.

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